I had every intention of keeping up with this blog, it just hasn't happened. There are two reasons, really... First of all, the new position that I accepted at work has kept me ridiculously busy. I was on the road for most of February and I am absolutely slammed with work around the clock. It's a far cry from the laid back position I got to enjoy when I first came to Colorado, but at the same time I feel like I'm really making a difference with this new job, so on most days I enjoy it. Just not the time it consumes. The second reason is that Amberlin is fed up with me working and to her, any time I open the laptop it means I'm about to work. She makes it very clear that she does not want me on it - whether it's through whimpering or telling me I'm "all done." How can I resist requests like that? So... the laptop goes away and any time that she's awake when I'm home belongs to her. It just needs to be that way. So... the blog suffers. I will try very hard to put up at least brief updates more frequently, though.
So a lot has happened since the last post. First and foremost, we found out we're expecting another little GIRL! Most of you know that by now, but we are very excited. As time passes we are adjusting more and more to the idea of Amberlin having a little sister. We were a little shocked at first - we really thought it was going to be a boy because this pregnancy has been SO different from the first. Of course, now that we know everyone tells me that the same thing happened to them - that they were convinced one way and it turned out the other. I'm just so glad that we have ultrasounds and we can prepare ahead of time.
So one of the best things about having another little girl from my perspective is that we will get to re-use all of those wonderful gifts that everyone got us when we were pregnant with Amberlin! This little cutie will be dressed to impress thanks to all of you and the way you spoiled us. We feel so blessed to have been so well taken care of! :) We won't have to buy too many new things. There will be some, of course - but not much. The main thing we need to get started on is diapers! Plus, we're thinking we might want to use a different pacifier so it's not so confusing to Amberlin and she doesn't feel like the new baby is taking over her "soosies". I found a new one called the Gumdrop that has the same nipple, but a cutout for the nose - has anyone used these? I am wondering if they're as helpful with promoting breastfeeding as the soothies are touted to be?
Amberlin is very excited about the baby. She asks constantly if she can hold the baby, as well as trying to give her food, milk, bottles and soothies through my stomach. :) She's a hoot. I think she is going to be such a wonderful big sister - I can't wait to see them together. We are just spending a lot of time praying and thinking of ways that we can avoid as much jealousy as possible and make her an important part of the process. Any ideas are welcome!
I am currently waiting on the results of my first 3 hour glucose test that I took on Wednesday. It was an early test - I took the 1 hour at 24 weeks instead of 28 since I had GD last time. It was elevated, so I had to take the 3 hour. If I pass this one I still have to take the 3 hour again at 28 weeks. Although it's annoying, it's probably good. It was late onset last time, so I want to know that I'm doing what I can to keep the baby safe. The diet will be super-annoying if I have to do that again, but whatever... my main concern is the way the baby is treated after labor. I hated what they did to Amberlin - putting a hep block in her hand, pricking her feet every couple hours to test her blood sugar levels, etc. Plus they took her away for observation for almost three hours after the delivery. This hospital has awesome rooms where they will do all of the nursery prep in my recovery room as long as the baby is healthy, but if GD is present they may remove the baby again and put her in an observation room for a little while. I know we'll get through it either way and that in the grand scheme of things, those are minor set-backs. I would just like to avoid them if we can - so your prayers would be much appreciated!
More to come soon - including ultrasound photos that I haven't posted yet!
My 2nd Pregnancy
A journey toward becoming the mother of two.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Just when you think there's a plan...
Isn't the first rule of parenthood that you have to be flexible? Well, it's a good thing I've already learned that. I got news today that I will have to be on a business trip on the 26th - the planned ultrasound date. I remember getting news that the ultrasound had to be postponed when I was pregnant with Amberlin and sobbing, I was so devastated. I am happy to report that I am handling it much better this time! It didn't even phase me. I told you - TRUST is my motto for the year. So I just called and quickly got the new date set up. Thankfully, it only has to be delayed one day. I was surprised since the ultrasound tech is only in a couple days per week, but delighted to find out we won't have to wait much longer! Andy said that God probably knew the baby would be "shy" on the other scheduled date, so He fixed it for us. Ha, ha... Perhaps. :)
I also heard back on the quad panel test that they did on Monday - everything came back normal and looks good. Yea! And one other thing that I forgot to mention is that I'm doing well on my weight gain. I've gained only three pounds total. Even considering Christmas, I only gained two pounds from early December to now. That was a nice surprise! Those that have seen me know that it looks like I've gained 30! But it's all baby. It looks like I might get as huge this time as I was last time, only sooner. *sigh* Hopefully we can at least keep the GD away.
I also heard back on the quad panel test that they did on Monday - everything came back normal and looks good. Yea! And one other thing that I forgot to mention is that I'm doing well on my weight gain. I've gained only three pounds total. Even considering Christmas, I only gained two pounds from early December to now. That was a nice surprise! Those that have seen me know that it looks like I've gained 30! But it's all baby. It looks like I might get as huge this time as I was last time, only sooner. *sigh* Hopefully we can at least keep the GD away.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
16 weeks
Unfortunately, my morning sickness got more intense after my last post. I have had a lot mroe of it since then - including lots of throwing up (boo!). I'm approaching 17 weeks here - hopefully it stops soon. I keep finding women who tell me they threw up all 9 months of their pregnancies. Hopefully that's not how this one goes!
Everything else is going well. I have started feeling the baby move a little bit. I can't wait until it can be felt from outside so that I can share it with Andy and Amberlin. Yesterday we had an OB appointment and when the doctor tried to find the heartbeat with the doppler I could feel the baby moving away from it. It was pretty funny. It took her a while to find it for that reason. A stinker already. :)
I have actually had two OB appointments since we posted last. The one last month was much more eventful than this month. We found out that we'll have our ultrasound on January 26th and hopefully find out the gender. We were also able to determine the date of the C-Section, which will be June 8. It makes it nice to be able to plan so far ahead of time! An unfortunate discovery that we made in that appointment was that our scheduled delivery date falls on our doctor's vacation time! Boo! We really, really liked Dr. Schoen. We will be meeting with the other doctors in the practice (there are three more) to determine who we will use instead. Although I'm disappointed, I know that God has something in mind for the delivery of this baby. I will TRUST (that's my word for the new year) that whatever happens is in His will. Our next appointment is with the doctor that Dr. Schoen thought we would get along with best. She said she is funny and outgoing, too - which is what we enjoyed so much about her. We'll see what happens....
Everything else is going well. I have started feeling the baby move a little bit. I can't wait until it can be felt from outside so that I can share it with Andy and Amberlin. Yesterday we had an OB appointment and when the doctor tried to find the heartbeat with the doppler I could feel the baby moving away from it. It was pretty funny. It took her a while to find it for that reason. A stinker already. :)
I have actually had two OB appointments since we posted last. The one last month was much more eventful than this month. We found out that we'll have our ultrasound on January 26th and hopefully find out the gender. We were also able to determine the date of the C-Section, which will be June 8. It makes it nice to be able to plan so far ahead of time! An unfortunate discovery that we made in that appointment was that our scheduled delivery date falls on our doctor's vacation time! Boo! We really, really liked Dr. Schoen. We will be meeting with the other doctors in the practice (there are three more) to determine who we will use instead. Although I'm disappointed, I know that God has something in mind for the delivery of this baby. I will TRUST (that's my word for the new year) that whatever happens is in His will. Our next appointment is with the doctor that Dr. Schoen thought we would get along with best. She said she is funny and outgoing, too - which is what we enjoyed so much about her. We'll see what happens....
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Here we go again!
Wow. Pregnancy #2. I am still a little bit stunned at the idea of expecting a second child, even though we are about to enter the second trimester. The timing with this little one was certainly a surprise to us, although I know it is part of God's perfect plan for our family. While the shock of the first pregnancy quickly turned to giddiness and planning, wondering and day-dreaming - it has not hit yet with this one. I still struggle to believe that I am carrying another child, although I am reminded regularly by my already-expanding belly and the nausea that has, again, become a part of my daily routine.
Each day is so packed with the changes that are happening at my work and caring for Amberlin once I get home that by the time I sit down at night, I don't have the time or energy to day dream. I just fall asleep! While with the first pregnancy I was uptight about everything and followed every "rule" strictly (especially no caffeine!), I feel much more relaxed this time around. It's nice, actually, to not be so consumed with it. To tell you the truth, I haven't even had the time to brush up on all of my research. Instead, I have tried to just be healthier with my eating habits, take things in moderation and not go overboard. I have enjoyed the few moments where it has become very clear that life is going to change soon - like the ultrasound we had at 8 weeks to see our little peanut. Or the relief of slipping into my maternity pants (finally!) after weeks of trying to squeeze into my too-tight pants. They just don't dominate our lives like they did the first time around.

I have definitely noticed some differences with this pregnancy already. I have had nausea, but thankfully I haven't thrown up as much as I did with Amberlin. New to this round are food aversions and cravings! I didn't get those at all with the last pregnancy, but this time I have lost all tolerance for chicken. Fried chicken, chicken soup, anything chicken... keep it away from me! And keep the smell away, too - that's just as bad. I haven't had any crazy or quirky cravings, but I could go for lo mein any time! And I've had the urge for Big Macs a few times (I only gave in once - I told you, moderation...). I've tried to stick with the practice of snacking throughout the day instead of eating three big meals, so I've stocked up on veggies and fruit. Hopefully this practice will keep my blood sugar levels under control this time - although I realize I will have to get more serious about planning WHAT I'm eating soon.
We feel very blessed to have found a good doctor here in Colorado. The first place we went did not meet our needs in that they were a very large practice and a lot of my appointments would have been with midwives. While I would have been excited at that thought if we were having a regular delivery and I might have one of the midwives deliver the baby, it's a little annoying when I know I'm going to have a caesarean. I want to know my doctor. So we tried another place that has four female doctors who are fairly young. We LOVE this practice! The first doctor I met with treated me so well and made me feel like I already know her. I have another appointment with her tomorrow. I am not sure if I will see her the whole time or if I will meet with the other doctors, but I am hoping she is the one to ultimately handle the surgery and delivery. She's awesome!
We had the chance to tour the new Family Birth Center at our hospital a few weeks ago. It was very exciting! The facilities are amazing - it feels more like walking into a hotel than it does a hospital. Their labor rooms are awesome - although we won't be using those. They have huge jacuzzi tubs and the monitors that they use are wireless, so you can actually get out of bed and not be hooked up to the machines! I would have loved that during the 48 hours I was monitored before having Amberlin! They also have tempur-pedic beds in all of the rooms!
Even though we won't use those rooms, we will have a private room for pre-surgery prep and post-surgery recovery that our family can wait in if we so desire. They do all of the work on the baby in the recovery room with us, instead of taking him/her to the nursery to bathe and monitor. This is great news to me since it took hours before I got to hold Amberlin after her delivery! This also means that Andy will get to be with me AND the baby during the recovery time, which will be wonderful. The postpartum rooms are also amazing. They have 24 hour room service and as a patient I can order anything I want, whenever I want! The menu looks like a restaurant menu - I wonder what the food will taste like?
Another plus is a spa that is located in the maternity ward that provides in-room massages if you want to order one. They cost, of course, but they sound wonderful!!
June 15 is the formal due date, but the delivery will be planned for at least a week before that. Check back often for updates... I'll post as often as I can. It's going to be a wild ride!
Each day is so packed with the changes that are happening at my work and caring for Amberlin once I get home that by the time I sit down at night, I don't have the time or energy to day dream. I just fall asleep! While with the first pregnancy I was uptight about everything and followed every "rule" strictly (especially no caffeine!), I feel much more relaxed this time around. It's nice, actually, to not be so consumed with it. To tell you the truth, I haven't even had the time to brush up on all of my research. Instead, I have tried to just be healthier with my eating habits, take things in moderation and not go overboard. I have enjoyed the few moments where it has become very clear that life is going to change soon - like the ultrasound we had at 8 weeks to see our little peanut. Or the relief of slipping into my maternity pants (finally!) after weeks of trying to squeeze into my too-tight pants. They just don't dominate our lives like they did the first time around.
Our little peanut at 8 weeks
I have definitely noticed some differences with this pregnancy already. I have had nausea, but thankfully I haven't thrown up as much as I did with Amberlin. New to this round are food aversions and cravings! I didn't get those at all with the last pregnancy, but this time I have lost all tolerance for chicken. Fried chicken, chicken soup, anything chicken... keep it away from me! And keep the smell away, too - that's just as bad. I haven't had any crazy or quirky cravings, but I could go for lo mein any time! And I've had the urge for Big Macs a few times (I only gave in once - I told you, moderation...). I've tried to stick with the practice of snacking throughout the day instead of eating three big meals, so I've stocked up on veggies and fruit. Hopefully this practice will keep my blood sugar levels under control this time - although I realize I will have to get more serious about planning WHAT I'm eating soon.
We feel very blessed to have found a good doctor here in Colorado. The first place we went did not meet our needs in that they were a very large practice and a lot of my appointments would have been with midwives. While I would have been excited at that thought if we were having a regular delivery and I might have one of the midwives deliver the baby, it's a little annoying when I know I'm going to have a caesarean. I want to know my doctor. So we tried another place that has four female doctors who are fairly young. We LOVE this practice! The first doctor I met with treated me so well and made me feel like I already know her. I have another appointment with her tomorrow. I am not sure if I will see her the whole time or if I will meet with the other doctors, but I am hoping she is the one to ultimately handle the surgery and delivery. She's awesome!
We had the chance to tour the new Family Birth Center at our hospital a few weeks ago. It was very exciting! The facilities are amazing - it feels more like walking into a hotel than it does a hospital. Their labor rooms are awesome - although we won't be using those. They have huge jacuzzi tubs and the monitors that they use are wireless, so you can actually get out of bed and not be hooked up to the machines! I would have loved that during the 48 hours I was monitored before having Amberlin! They also have tempur-pedic beds in all of the rooms!
Even though we won't use those rooms, we will have a private room for pre-surgery prep and post-surgery recovery that our family can wait in if we so desire. They do all of the work on the baby in the recovery room with us, instead of taking him/her to the nursery to bathe and monitor. This is great news to me since it took hours before I got to hold Amberlin after her delivery! This also means that Andy will get to be with me AND the baby during the recovery time, which will be wonderful. The postpartum rooms are also amazing. They have 24 hour room service and as a patient I can order anything I want, whenever I want! The menu looks like a restaurant menu - I wonder what the food will taste like?
Another plus is a spa that is located in the maternity ward that provides in-room massages if you want to order one. They cost, of course, but they sound wonderful!!
June 15 is the formal due date, but the delivery will be planned for at least a week before that. Check back often for updates... I'll post as often as I can. It's going to be a wild ride!
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